Sunday, January 10, 2010

First of what I'm attempting to be many...

Well, this being my first blog posting, I figured I'd cover a few bases to start things off.

Why blog?  What the hell could I have to say that's worth while?  Hell, I don't know.  Between most of my useless and rambling tweets that most of you sure enough follow and my just as compelling status updates and photos on Facebook, you already pretty much know what I've been up to.  What could I possibly have left new to tell anyone?  Well, who knows, probably nothing.  But I guess this gives me a place to be more extensive, more elaborate, or more personal about the things going on with me or around me. 

I've always been a writer.  I've always been a creative person.  I've always like expressing myself in writings of thoughts, short stories, poems...whatever.  And since becoming and 'adult' and not having college classes require me to write my creative juices into short stories or poems, writing those things on my own doesn't really happen that often.  Maybe having this blog will let me get some of my creativity flowing again.  Get me thinking past the 140 character quips I post several times a day.

This could also help out one of my life long (well, if you consider since I've been in college "life long") ambitions was to finish a short story I wrote in a creative writing class.  (More on this story later)  But maybe doing a blog will help knock loose some of the dust in my head that has most certainly blocked some of those things that has kept me from finishing this project.  But again, more on this later...

I'm sure I'll get the 'holy crap, Tom's posting more stuff again' comments from the occasional coworker or friend. But then there are the friends and coworkers that will see what I am doing may actually help me get back to that person that I was in high school and college. Not that who I am now is someone I don't want to be, but that who I am now lacks that creative side that really defined my personality. With the daily grind of daily life, sometimes we forget to do those things or work on those things that really make us who we are. They could be hobbies you enjoy doing, books you enjoy reading, places you like visiting. For me, it's sitting down, taking time to myself and putting down on paper (or computer screen) all those ideas, images, and thoughts that beg to be creatively let out.

All in all, I need to get creative again.  I need to get back to tapping back into that part of me that I know is still in there.  I'm not saying that if I do, I'll be such a better person that I'll cure the worlds problems and be SuperTom.  But I bet that I'll be a bit less frustrated, clearer thinking, and get more enjoyment out of a life that quickly gets washed away with all the stresses of work and or day to day tasks and worries that make us forget the inner person we have living in all of us.  So what's the harm in that?  Right?


  1. More power to you, Tom! I understand the angst that comes with being "creative" in a world (or workplace ; ) that works against it in many ways. Looking forward to your stuff!

  2. Yay! I love it. :)

  3. Glad to find your new project Tom. I hope you enjoy as much as I have.

  4. Funny, the more I read about you the more it confirms my suspicions that you and Matt actually WERE separated at birth! Did you know he writes stories and poems too? You guys are too much for me :-)
